Ice sculptures - Date Night

Posted on 5/31/2008 11:14:00 AM, under

Last night for our date we decided to unleash our creativity into a block of ice. We made some ice sculptures.... we might not want you to think that our art work epitomizes the artistic ideals of the century... but since some people now days call splattered paint on a canvas art, may be our work can be called art too...

Our initial goal was to carve faces.... but....

Looney Toones face by Brandi

Easter Island statue by Felipe

This is proof that many times projects can take on a direction completely foreign than the one you might have set out to do... There it is in action, the spontaneity of the receptive nature in the brain of two geniuses.

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4 Reply to "Ice sculptures - Date Night"

  • The Casa Hunt on June 28, 2008 at 10:23 PM

    Hey Guys,
    this blog needs an update!!!

    How is your Summer so far?

    Hope you are having fun!!


    Tricia on July 9, 2008 at 9:35 PM

    Hey! Mira lo que encontre...por Facebook. :)

    It sounds like you guys are hanging around here for the summer...? If so, we should get together for a BBQ (or something similar) to catch up! (Let me know if that works.)


    alexis on July 21, 2008 at 5:26 PM

    Que lindo este blog!! amigo, se ve que estás feliz, me alegro muchísimo por ti, hace una semana nos juntamos, lester, Hery, Humberto, olivia y yo, sólo faltabas tu, nos acordamos de ti, y nos alegramos porque todos sabíamos que estabas feliz en tu vida. te quiero mucho amigo, Brandi es una esposa muy hermosa.
    Un gran abrazo a la distancia.


    Anonymous on October 20, 2008 at 3:23 PM

    Felipe and Brandi:

    We change the address to our blog. Our new blog is

    Don't forget to link us to your blog!